

The risingsunrise.in website is not linked with any Government Body/Agency, nor is it associated with any department of the central or state governments.

The risingsunrise.in website’s main aim is to share information on government schemes and other related news only with its visitors. The information corresponding to any scheme on this website is posted based on press releases and official govt. websites. The purpose of risingsunrise.in is not to confuse or spread false propaganda to any of its visitors in any way.

risingsunrise.in is also very strict about the privacy of its visitors and does not display or share any personal information whatsoever.

Our website cannot resolve each and every complaint about any information posted here and answer all the questions and queries. We request our visitors to visit the official website of the concerned department/authority for their complaints or to inquire about the scheme/information published on this risingsunrise.in.

risingsunrise.in also does not take guarantee of the accuracy/legitimacy of the information/content published here, However, continuous efforts are made to only collect the true and accurate data, get it verified, and then publish it.